So remember back last year when I went to go see the Fuma stageplay? (actually, you probably don't, but I did). anyway. it was absolutely hilarious and the most crack-ed out thing I had ever seen. seriously. and i thought at the time that it wasn't possible to make anything more wtf than the Fuma stageplay. ...oh, how naive I was...
This past Saturday! went with Nermie and Laura to go see
two performances of this stage show thing featuring Jealkb (you remember them, right?) and Condors--who I had never heard of, but it turns out are this awesome comedy/contemporary dance troupe. Anyway, the show was called B.L.~Ballad of Lip~ and it was over in sunshine city, in Ikebukuro.
It was ridiculously amazing and hilarious and I am entertaining serious doubts about the mental stability of whoever actually came up with it. There was sort of a plot, all about how because of the Lehman shock, the London Visual Arts Academy (jealkb) and the 近藤建築学園 (condors) merged together and made this new department called the ビジュアル土木課, but of course it's a totally random combination, the teacher can't teach, and they're not getting any new students (就職ないから) so the department is going to be dissolved, and the "students" all band together to save it. Anyway, that was ostensibly the plot. and it sort of went like that, only they kept sticking in all these random comedy sketches and dance performances and skits that were absolutely hilarious but had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with...anything at all, really. The sort of thing that makes your head hurt if you try to hard to understand it, so it's just better not to.
Seriously tho, I was laughing so hard I was practically in tears.
And afterwards... we did purikura! haven't done that in ages... teehee. Me, Nermie, Laura and two of their JAL friends. It was fu
n times, and they were all going out after, for like drinks and karaoke and stuff, and I really really wanted to go (karaoooookeeeee!) but I'd already made plans to get together with Jason and Felicia over at his place, so I left to go there, which was fun. We ordered in pizza, Jason bought some good Belgian beer, and I supplied Iron Man on blu-ray.
P.S. we also took pics out in front of the BL poster in Sunshine City. got some nice lady to take it for us, as well as got a lot of stares. it's a little blurry cause we had to take it without a flash--the glare from the flash was blanking out Haderu-sama! can't have that ;-P
lastly... PV time! i think this week I shall supply Yuzu's new single, "Aitai." which incidentally is the theme to Nissy's new drama Ghost Friends --which we're subbing. lol. tho by we this time, I don't mean Doremii--or Gekiuma actually--this I'm helping out as a guest trans over at Resie's group, Ikemen. anyway, that's not really the point. the point is, enjoy the PV!
1 people love me:
So, a little late in posting, but still. Late post is better than no post, right? Sounds like you're having a blast over there on the opposite side of the earth. Glad to hear you're still enjoying your job (even if it is sometimes hectic). We miss you here is the US of A, though. Hope you keep doing well and that we can see you sometime soon!
BTW: The guy on the left on the poster looks positively demonic.
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