Lots to write about, not nearly enough time. It's been a while, I know.
And I'm a horrible excuse for a human being blogger.
Let's see... work, work, work, went home for Christmas, work, work...
Magazine redesign... Work, work, work...
So my friend N introduced me to her pet band, Jealkb. They're a visual kei band, but all the members are comedians as their day job--but they got together and decided to form a band, too! Anyway, it's completely crazy, and the concert was such fun. I didn't really know much about them before, but I'm a total fan now! Hehe. This is one of their PVs by the way. Several things.
1. yes, the one guitarist always wears that mask
2. yes, the other guitarist always wears a dress
3. the violinist and the keyboard player can't actually play their instruments, they just pretend
4. incidentally the whole back and forth arm thing the keyboardist does all the time means the man has some decent bicep action going on *wink* (not that you can really see that much in this video).
Ok, time to go to bed, will write more later.
Must recover from my night of headbanging mosh-pit action on Sunday.
...Happy now, Mom?
(Just kidding, I love you)
The adventures of a former North Carolinian and recovering Yalie, loose in Japan for the first time.
who, me?

- ☆sarita☆
- From a former North Carolinian and recovering Yalie: Currently living and working in the big city of Tokyo, while furthering an ever-growing obsession with Japanese pop-culture.
11:36 PM
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2 people love me:
I wonder if I should be worried that you like this stuff. (Just kidding, I love you too.)
I love you more! mwa-ha-ha!!! and not just your mom reads your blog, silly! bug you later!
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