1:00 AM

*sniff sniff*

new Video of the Week:
Orange Range, "Sayonara"

Great song from one of my favorite Japanese groups (tho this isn't exactly representative of their usual).
This video seriously made me bawl the first time I watched it.
There's some dialogue to it, but basically all you need to know, is the lines at the beginning of the video:
"October 25, 2006...I died."

(If you want to know more, drop me a line and I'll give you a rough translation, but that's all I'm putting in here for now.)

3 people love me:

Anonymous said...

I really liked the video! It kind of rmeinded me of the trailers I have seen of a new movie coming out at Christmas. It stars Hilary Swank who's fiance died and he is somehow directing her from the beyond to find a new life. She is introverted and he directs her to do Kayoke and other wild things. Might be worth a look when you are home.

☆sarita☆ said...

glad i could finally pick a video that wasn`t too "weird." LoL

Maddy said...

It was a cool movie but i didn't understand.