8:54 PM

Lingerie is Love-Jewelry

Sometimes I am right.
Got an email from Chris today, who's the person in charge of the movie sections at Metrop, asking me if I had managed to get any photos at the Jodie Foster press thing yesterday.
Flash backward to yesterday's conversation--

me: Can I have the camera to take with me to the press conference?
them: no, Chris said he's sending a photographer, you don't have to take photos this time.
me: oh, I thought I did.
them: no, Chris said he's sending someone.
me: okay

Back to today.
Chris didn't send anyone. Which, actually is not that big of a deal--they always have an official photog at these events, so all we had to do was call up the movie company and have them send us a picture, which they've already done. I just thought it was funny.
Oh, and it turns out that my piece on Jodie Foster is going to be a Star Struck instead of a Movie News--because Will Smith, who the SS was supposed to be about, is too cool to give an actual press conference--which means that now I have to write 600 words instead of 250. Thank goodness I took a lot of notes.

P.S. the subject line has nothing to do with anything, it's just the ad line from a poster I saw on the train today.

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