7:35 PM

P.S. If you still want more

So I've been keeping an online photo gallery as well--theoretically anyway, since I haven't updated it since...umm...August.

But all that's changed--I've turned over a new leaf (the one called "posting is better than homework") and updated it.
I took *lots* more photos--especially of the shamisen parade and Meiji Jingu--than could possibly fit in a blog post, so if you're interested in seeing more of those, they're all up at my gallery.
The address is:
and I'm pretty sure you don't have to be signed up or anything to view the photos.

So, enjoy!


3 people love me:

Unknown said...

By the way, I'm loving your posts! --Kelly

☆sarita☆ said...

It's always nice to get comments about my blog--that way I know someone is actually reading it!

Unknown said...

of course we're reading it you silly, *unfortunately* it seems your father is too! jk. but i can't see the last youtube vid. :( or is this on purpose? parental control? haha. love you, dear.