12:33 PM

Photo time! (round one)

These are a bit out of order but...here we go! Some scenes from my life!

My room!!

People were sticking their feet in the water. My host mom explained why, but I forget.

A famous Hakodate squid.

The ropeway up to the top of Hakodate-yama.

Hakodate harbor. Pretty!

The view from my balcony at home.

My balcony again.

Hakodate-yama, wreathed in smoke (I thought it was a cool picture).

I get to ride the streetcar to school everyday!

This is the view of Hakodate harbor from my class room. (I have to climb up that hill every day. I`ll post another pic of it later--it looks much steeper from the bottom!)

1 people love me:

Anonymous said...

Clean up your room! The view (outside, not in your room although it is a very nice room and looks comfortable) is spectacular. Are the feet soakers in a courtyard at your school?
