so the other day I went to the bank to change my registered address on my account--cause you can't do that online, you have to do it in person. whatever. anyway, in the process of showing them my gaijin card to prove my current address, it was pointed out to me that my card had expired. In August.
>_< doh
I guess, when I got my visa, I thought that took care of everything, and I didn't realize that my actual card was expiring too. upshot of which is I had to get up really early and head over to the ward office the other morning before work to get it all fixed up. and hope they weren't too mad at me. lol. which, it turns out, they weren't, so that's all good. cause, i mean, my visa stuff was all taken care of, so it's not like I was staying illegally or anything. and since I was good and got up early and got there right at 8:30 when the office opened, I wasn't even late for work! well, not by more than 10 minutes anyway.
let's see, what else... oh, I found out my latest bar review is going in 763, so look out for that Nov 7.
we had a big meeting about the redesign this morning, and Steve had given us all sorts of stuff we were sposed to come up with ideas for. i was okay on the ideas for the new sections, and multimedia which i'm gonna be in charge of, but Steve wanted us each to come with 2 ideas for features that we could do in-house, with photos and stuff. and i was just drawing a COMPLETE blank. I mean, I can come up with lots of ideas, but nothing that feels big enough to be a feature, you know? anyway, I managed to fudge through it okay. and we're gonna start having regular Ed meetings too (genuis! what an idea!) so we'll be talking more about it again next week.
The adventures of a former North Carolinian and recovering Yalie, loose in Japan for the first time.
who, me?

- ☆sarita☆
- From a former North Carolinian and recovering Yalie: Currently living and working in the big city of Tokyo, while furthering an ever-growing obsession with Japanese pop-culture.
8:12 PM
the what: i fail, i rock, metropolis, visa
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good luck with the feature ideas! also, i'm trying to write a paper, due today. >_< doh. well we got an extension, sort of. but i'm trying to finish it tonight to send it in. oh dear, dear. love you! and good luck and enjoy the bar reviews! hope the last one was good!
you're in charge of multimedia? what does that mean?
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