4:59 PM

「何、これ?!」 WTF シリーズ 1

This post marks the inaugural issue of what I've decided to call my "WTF?! Series" where I'll showcase some of the weirdnesses with which my daily life here in Japan is inundated.
It's not going to be on any particular schedule, just whenever I feel the urge to share the WTF. ^_^

Part 1: Store SignsFirst up, a motorcycle shop that I pass sometimes on my way home from school.
Slap Speed: Speed Equipments and Evil Sounds.
"When fortune smiles, embrace her."

Next, a clothing store in Landmark Plaza. Interesting... I wanna join!

Also in Landmark, two floors above Octopus Army: They took a whole bunch of cuteness and stuck it in a blender! (or...something...)

And finally, a new coffee shop that's just opened in the side street that runs parallel to Isezaki Mall. Cafe emo: espresso and biker's. (even down to the inappropriate apostrophe!). With the light-wood paneling, cheerful colors, and pretty flowers, this place is neither emo, nor biker--leaving aside the fact that emo and bikers don't really go together to begin with... But, they've got a real live motorcycle parked out front, for authenticity!

Last, but not least, is another store sign that I've passed in World Porters more times than I can count. Don't actually have a picture of it, though I promise to post one soon:

amusing goods of unknown nationality

^_^ completely embodies the Japanese aesthetic: "It's cute, and we neither know nor pretend to care where it came from."

And that concludes the first issue of my WTF Series.
Hope you enjoyed yourself!

2 people love me:

Anonymous said...

I DID enjoy myself. but, but something just occured to me. DOES "THE DAD" KNOW WHO MI-CHAN IS??????? b/c if he does i have to start being more careful!!! what about "anonymous" does she know?

i might need to start censoring my posts. oops. i still love you (ha!)

Anonymous said...

I want to join the octopus army too! and i am glad there is a cafe emo... it seems very appropriate. oh, i'm feeling a little too sophisticated today...where is a blender of tinkerbell when you need one? he he! <3!