9:37 PM

初夢: dreaming of... (日本語?!?!)

I think I dreamed in Japanese last night!
Well, I don't remember too much, only the bits that happened right before I woke up. But the dream was me traveling or something, like after IUC lets out. And I was in some kind of cafe, or maybe a ryokan where I was staying, or something like that--and I was talking to the people who owned it, and speaking Japanese to them, cause of course it being Japan, they were Japanese.
...so it wasn't like a random dream where I just happened to be speaking Japanese for no reason, I was speaking Japanese cause it was me, in Japan, talking to Japanese people.
Does that still count? I dunno. But at any rate, when I woke up, it was a really weird feeling--like "...hey wait a minute... that was japanese!"

so yay me!


2 people love me:

Anonymous said...

awesome- which ryokan shall we go to?
starting to get excited about seeing you there- your Dad is here right now trying to get my computer set up wireless

Anonymous said...

Yay you. It is a breakthrough when you dream in a foreign language.