7:54 PM

link update

Finally got around to adding some of my photos to the gallery on the Light Fellowship site (link added to the sidebar).
They're all photos from my Kodakgallery, or that I've posted here on the blog before, so perhaps it's old news--but, have fun looking!
There's also lots of photos posted by the kids at the other Light programs, too.

3 people love me:

Unknown said...

The photos are great! Thanks for adding them. Your time in Japan is shaping up nicely! =) --Kelly

Anonymous said...

So we watched some examples of Kabuki and Bunraku theatre in my theatre class today. No Noh theatre, though. Sad. But I thought of you when my prof was trying to speak in Japanese and when one of the performances didn't have subtitles. Miss you and hope all's going well!


☆sarita☆ said...

yay, thanks for commenting!!
miss you too!